Showing posts with label Learning in Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning in Life. Show all posts

What’s your purpose?

 A long solo ride, lonely room, sky watching, staring at the moon and sometimes a few minutes of meditation arise many thoughts in me. Instead of thoughts, I can call them questions as most of them start or ends with Why, How, What or When. And I love to ask myself many questions and answer them from my perspective so I get to know what kind of person I am. This is my way of self-realization you can say.

So, as many thoughts or questions popped out inside my head, this one badly wanted my answer – “What is your purpose?”. During my school days, I have felt I don’t have a purpose. But my spiritual mindset always mentions people are here for a purpose. And I used to think “Is finding one’s purpose is the purpose of their life?”. I don’t know if all live with a purpose.  

But I think I have defined this from my own perspective and I know it’s susceptible to change based on my future experiences. So here is what this man thinks about the purpose of his life.

There are many people born, became great and achieved a lot. For me, Abdul Kalam is one of the exemplars. But in my perspective, not all human beings are born with those great purposes. Our purpose can be as simple as bringing hope to someone or living by discipline or being helpful to someone. It can also be as simple as feeding a pet or keeping your home clean or gaining insight into something. For me,

“Purpose is living my life the way I want (without hurting anyone) and bringing positive change to my surroundings”

But do you know how these things are determined? By your direction and choices

Our life is a journey and it is dependent on a lot many factors where our decision makes the turn! Whatever decision you make, don’t regret or worry about it. If you have done wrong, try to change it in future. As the saying, it’s the journey which makes thing fruitful than the destination, be at your own pace and enjoy your life!!

Here is a reflection of a person I don’t know but I think - helping the street dogs may be her purpose. Referring to my old post – The Guardian of Dogs

If I have learned that, I would not be here!

I don't know whether people use these kind of phrases to express their emotions.  But I always use this phrase more often when there is a deep technical conversation going on and I don't have a clue about it.


Don’t look at me silly. I never hesitated for confessing my lack of knowledge on a particular domain. I am very open to that now and glad I am. But it's been three years that now only I really understood what I am doing wrong all these days.

 Whenever I was asked something technically deep apart from my current domain, I just say I don't know and move on. But that is the place I left a big void and forgot to fill. Every now and then when I utter this phrase, "If I had known about this, I would be in better place" I missed the point of what I left without learning.

 I never questioned myself on this phrase and that is one of the worst things I have done to me. I never tend to result in asking myself, why I haven't learned that thing? When can I learn that thing? From where I can learn about these? These questions don’t sound obvious if you discuss a topic you are very passionate about. Because you push yourself to learn what you don’t know about it. But there are many things we are not passionate about but we need to learn that to get going.

 As per psychology, we always come up with reasons to support our thoughts and cause. But this question when you ask yourself, you get to think! I haven't explored this thought for this long while. I think looking life from a different perspective from our own is a key to explore the other possibilities to grow. Let’s critically analyse and introspect our thoughts for making ourselves better than yesterday!

On Search of Happiness

Almost every one of us are idiots, who search for happiness (sorry, but its true). You see, on our entire life, the only goal everyone wants is "To be Happy". But everyone fails to be happy in many situations or maybe even at their whole life. Have you ever thought and analyzed this happiness and depression pattern?

Happiness is completely based on your Thoughts. The first enemy to destroy your happiness is your "Thoughts on requirements".Yes! There is a difference between need and requirement. Many people around the world still strive to fulfill their needs while many long to fulfill their requirements. Deep down you just need to realize and understand that your requirements are not needs which have to be fulfilled. It's just a thing which may elevate you up for extra comfort.

Very few of us understand those things. There are various things contribute to your sadness even though when you are happy. Best one of them is Social media's. Do you know for what it is been created? Just to be in touch with people, to make new friends & to share information, career interests, ideas, and other forms of expression on virtual communities. But now this has become the place for obsession and addiction. Being truthful, you are very happy and you live a happy life. But longing for things and your greed intrude you easily and make you think that you don't have anything to be happy. And these thoughts not only make you sad but question your existence.

Always remember and say it to yourself - "I am happy". You are blessed with food and shelter. You have beautiful friends to surround you and take care for you. You being a blessed person, you are very happy and you can bring down the happiness to others. Let's cherish Happiness around you by carrying a smile!!


P.S: You can also bring smiles to many children by helping them to learn by joining an NGO and volunteer for teaching the underprivileged kids. You can also help out the needed kids by becoming their scribes. (Mail me for more info & contact)

What I have learned in 20 years?

Life is a precious thing. We learn many things throughout our life. Sometimes we forget some sometimes we forget most. But experiences are the one we carry with us till we end. It's mandatory that we must look back in our life. This gives you the best of you as well as the worst part of you. I thought I must figure out what all the things I have learned so for in my 20 years of life. So let me start queueing it as per my the sequence in my mind.

Always Smile
The smile is one of the best things which delivers best of you from your inside. From my childhood, I have learned this through people and the experience by them as well as by me. Put up a smile on your face always. It also lightens the other who see you. The smile has the greatest power of making the day very best for all. So don't forget to have a smile on your face.
Don't Steal
This is one of the most important things in my life which I learned at my age of 7. I have a bad habit of losing my pencil at school. One day I lost my new Natraj pencil, and I was at fear to face my dad. So I took three rupees from the pooja room kept near vinayagar and brought a new pencil. But these parents have a super power of reading the child mind from their face and my father is extraordinary at that. Suddenly he asked me and found I am guilty. That's the breaking point in my life. From then I left the habit of stealing. Even if I saw any thing around at anywhere I always don't touch it except coins from the ground (got lucky coins for about seven times but no notes till now).
Believe in "changes are for good"
This is one of the first lessons I learned when I entered in my college. The transition to college from school, Home to the hostel, etc., made me think and experience a lot. I personally suggest everyone of you to stay in hostel at least for a year. This will give you lot of experiences.
Keep up to your words
This thing goes both ways for me. Always stick to your words. If you say a thing, then you should be relying on as per that. The next thing doesn't blabber. Sometimes I do that. If you say I will do this, then you must do that without any excuses. That's vital.
Money matters!!
This is the important lesson the world has thought me. Yes, the most of the people rely on money than the relationship. I have a personal experience on that, and I am still experiencing that. Believe me, till these years I found my friends are the only ones who don't care you about money. But many relations rely on you only if you have money.
Be Respectful to all
I didn't know when I learned this thing, but all the credit goes to my nursery teachers and my parents. I always respect each and everyone. Even if it's a child, you have to respect them. Being respect many times comes in handy to solve and do many things, and I have an experience of it.  And value every person in your life from your past and present. I thank everyone for making me the person I am today. So always be respectful to all  :-)
This is one of the things the people and the environment around taught me.  The people surrounded me are truly the best. Hence I am proud to say that I am in as a better human. And I am also ready to say proudly
"Humanity is my religion and people who believe in it are my friends"
Friends - Precious gifts
Friends are very precious gifts awarded by the god for us. Learn to appreciate and accept them as they are. Love them and respect them. They are great souls. They are the only souls in the world who listens to all your anger, happiness, bullshits and say you back the same.
Accept new challenges
Always in a mood of accepting challenges. Every challenge in your life helps you to view your life in a different perspective and makes you grow even stronger.
Don't ever say No to Challenges
Always post up a Yes and I am sure you will end up in a great position of accepting everything.
Criticism helps to improve
I have learned that really criticism helps us to learn and grow from our mistakes. Sometimes you face mockeries and criticism overloaded. Please don't exhaust. Collect best points which really points out your flaw. Then learn from those. This will make the best of us..
Keep Dreaming
This is one of the things I always want to say to everyone. I love to dream, and I usually do it fine. This life lesson has made me start all these, and this dream is a reason why I wrote this post. Everything from me is mostly because of this
These are few things which I always have in my mind. I say it as the best lessons for me in the life. If you have any new findings of your own, comment below. I would like to listen to your experiences which shaped you as the beautiful person you are today.
Love all :-)