If I have learned that, I would not be here!

I don't know whether people use these kind of phrases to express their emotions.  But I always use this phrase more often when there is a deep technical conversation going on and I don't have a clue about it.


Don’t look at me silly. I never hesitated for confessing my lack of knowledge on a particular domain. I am very open to that now and glad I am. But it's been three years that now only I really understood what I am doing wrong all these days.

 Whenever I was asked something technically deep apart from my current domain, I just say I don't know and move on. But that is the place I left a big void and forgot to fill. Every now and then when I utter this phrase, "If I had known about this, I would be in better place" I missed the point of what I left without learning.

 I never questioned myself on this phrase and that is one of the worst things I have done to me. I never tend to result in asking myself, why I haven't learned that thing? When can I learn that thing? From where I can learn about these? These questions don’t sound obvious if you discuss a topic you are very passionate about. Because you push yourself to learn what you don’t know about it. But there are many things we are not passionate about but we need to learn that to get going.

 As per psychology, we always come up with reasons to support our thoughts and cause. But this question when you ask yourself, you get to think! I haven't explored this thought for this long while. I think looking life from a different perspective from our own is a key to explore the other possibilities to grow. Let’s critically analyse and introspect our thoughts for making ourselves better than yesterday!

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