Let me dream about

 What makes me a human? I have this big doubt for a long time. Whether the sixth sense or my emotions? And my mind voice says, "Arre, both don't count! You don't do/utilize anything better from that". 

When everyone can have their own answer, I thought of my own. I want my own perspective to define myself. And here is my one on few! 


Yea, dreaming makes me human. I dream! I dream a lot. I dream of different things. I dream of fiction, I dream of love, I dream of change, I dream of possibilities and I dream of actions. And these dreams are the ones pushing me daily, towards my improvement and success. 

When my personal dreams help me learn and grow, how about the collective dream's effect? 

The world has noticed these many times! 

When Martin Luther King said, I have a dream, When Gandhiji said, I dream of Ideal India, when Nelson Mandela mentioned, I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself! These are great collective dreams composed and delivered by individuals which altered and changed the whole course of history!

Dreams have great potential and it depends upon individuals will power (In my opinion). So lets all dream of great things and make it happen. 

On this great day, come lets dream of Gandhiji's ideal India, where there is no race or religion, no high class or low class, and tears from every eye should be wiped. Let us all make this our collective dream and achieve an Ideal India what we dream of!

If I have learned that, I would not be here!

I don't know whether people use these kind of phrases to express their emotions.  But I always use this phrase more often when there is a deep technical conversation going on and I don't have a clue about it.


Don’t look at me silly. I never hesitated for confessing my lack of knowledge on a particular domain. I am very open to that now and glad I am. But it's been three years that now only I really understood what I am doing wrong all these days.

 Whenever I was asked something technically deep apart from my current domain, I just say I don't know and move on. But that is the place I left a big void and forgot to fill. Every now and then when I utter this phrase, "If I had known about this, I would be in better place" I missed the point of what I left without learning.

 I never questioned myself on this phrase and that is one of the worst things I have done to me. I never tend to result in asking myself, why I haven't learned that thing? When can I learn that thing? From where I can learn about these? These questions don’t sound obvious if you discuss a topic you are very passionate about. Because you push yourself to learn what you don’t know about it. But there are many things we are not passionate about but we need to learn that to get going.

 As per psychology, we always come up with reasons to support our thoughts and cause. But this question when you ask yourself, you get to think! I haven't explored this thought for this long while. I think looking life from a different perspective from our own is a key to explore the other possibilities to grow. Let’s critically analyse and introspect our thoughts for making ourselves better than yesterday!

COVID-19 - It' something you have to fear

Dear Friends,

Coronavirus - COVID-19

It's something you have to fear. Please take responsibility. Not for you, but for your loved ones. Bcoz you don't get affected (die) but people around you can. 

Yes you need to buy many things for the home, yes you need to go home, yes you need to meet your friends, but it's not the right time. Stay where ever you are, stay in, stay safe!

Here are a few data which you need to read first.

WHO has been updating info about Corona on their website. You can access it here - WHO
Here are some snaps of information.
Countries affected - WHO 
Current Stats around the world
So, is this the end of the world? No, it's not like that the world is going to end. But if you are not following what the government is saying you then that will happen – The world will end!
Well, this is not about who is ruling and what they're saying but whatever they're saying it's for the health of every individual. Because the disease you're concerned with is not something that can be stopped with a pill. It’s spreading like a forest fire right now and the only way to stop is to break the chain.  

As this day, if you are reading this, then, definitely you should have learned about what is the chain and how to break it. The only option to break the chain is to stay away from all the people. Stay inside home.

Personally, I state a few precautions to follow which is not said to general people who are going out now

  1. So, if you are going out to buy groceries or important things and you are returning, stop at your door. Don't touch anything in your home. Directly go and have a bath. It is also better to wash all your clothes.
  2. Don't go for panic shopping to buy things and stock it up for weeks. If you have food for the next seven days that's enough. You can get through this.
  3. Always avoid the crowd. If you are going out anywhere to buy something and found a large crowd on the stores just step back and give distance between each. if there is no one to guide other people please take the lead and guide them to practice distancing.
  4. Don't spend too much on a mask. Just have a kerchief to cover your face. That is to protect others from you. And a kerchief can do the same.
  5. Yes, you can also follow our traditional practice of spraying turmeric water in front of your house as that will act as an antiseptic. 
  6. Wash hands frequently. You don't have sanitizers. That's fine. Use salt water and washing soap to wash your hands. That will do the required.
  7. And please watch news frequently. At least 2 times a day. That will help you!
According to experts, we are at the early stage as of now and if you're not controlling it right now then it will become very difficult to control this disease. I think you have never witnessed this kind of curfew anytime in your life in your nation. So if they're stressing out this much then think of how tough the situation is.

Above all - Please educate the people around you! That's very important right now.
Here are a few links that help you to learn updates about the disease.
 - WHO Whatsapp Bot - Link
 - India Whatsapp Bot - Link 
 - WHO Statistics - Link

From Pongal to Sankranti

Lured by the south Indian practices and with a keen sense of celebrating the festivals, I was brought up. Every year Pongal and Diwali are the most sought festivals which I keep an eye on. These are the festivals where we all get a long pause from work and spend time with family happily. I never realized the essence of love, the importance of family and being with them, until I joined my colleagues in a different city. Being away from home taught me many things. The values, family's importance, relationship, love and what life is all about. There is always a debate about whether money is an important thing in this world or not. Even I debate with myself many times about that. But no one never thought about debating whether family and their love is important or not! why because, we all know, damn that's a very important one.

So every year I was used to be with my family during this festival season. And I always reminded myself, wherever I go, I should be present at home for these festivals. But this year, the situation was not like that. As different travel needs emerged up, I was forced to cancel my festival trip to my home. This is the first year in my life, I am away from my home on the festival season. That gave me shivers over my spline whether this will become like this forever. Even I didn't know the next day is Pongal. My colleagues mentioned tomorrow is a holiday. Then only I remembered that.

This Pongal started as usual as another normal Sunday spent in the room. But here in Pune, the people were celebrating Sankranthi here. So I planned to witness the Sankranthi celebrations. I learned that kite flying, going to the temple and sharing sweets is the tradition here. As I observed, only women went in groups to temples. All the kids were enjoying kite flying. So, I thought I can also indulge in the Sankranti celebration. I flew kite with kids, well, almost after 8 years I did this. That gave me nostalgia for past memories. I thought the day will end as it is and I am satisfied over the kite flying. Then at night, to my surprise, my neighbour flat people gave sweets and rasam (I don't know what that is) but I enjoyed that. Well, this season, finally the day ended dropping down my regrets of not being at home.